Authors: Seppänen, O.A., Fisk, W.J. and Mendell, M.J.
Year of publication: 1999
Publication: Indoor air, 9(4), pp.226-252.
Keywords: sick-building syndrome (SBS), CO2, respiratory illness, indoor air quality,
Link to publicationThis comprehensive paper reviews the literature relating to the association between ventilation rates found in commercial buildings, CO2 concentrations and human health responses (i.e. respiratory illnesses, sick building syndrome (SBS) symptoms and perceived poor air quality).
In total, twenty studies with 30,000 subjects investigated the association of ventilation rates with human responses and 21 studies, with over 30,000 subjects, investigated the association of carbon dioxide concentration with these responses. The aim was to synthesize the research literature in order to provide a better scientific basis for establishing health-related ventilation standards.
The findings suggest, that:
And for carbon dioxide concentrations, it was determined that: